
Bruegger's Relief Pose!

Most of us sit for a living...sitting in a chair all day staring at a computer monitor.  Your posture may start great to begin the day but often it regresses as the day goes on.  Your upright posture with shoulders and head back slowly turns in to slouched shoulders and a head that droops down closer and closer to you r keyboard.   This poor posture can lead to: tight muscles in the upper back and neck, neck pain, headaches, tingling in your arms and hands, and more.   Fortunately, there are a few great ways to combat this phenomenon.  Ergonomic work stations are becoming more coming, stand up or convertible desks are more readily available, even treadmill desks are an option for the hardcore workplace ergonomics enthusiasts. If you are stuck sitting all day I recommend one simple exercise/position to help combat all of the postural stress:  Bruegger's Relief Pose !  This position was invented in the 1950's by a swiss neurologist to help strengthen posture and reli
Extremity Adjusting Our goal at Hamm Chiropractic & Wellness is take make sure our patients are pain free and functioning at their highest level. For most of the people that walk through our doors that involves adjusting the spine to eliminate neck pain, back pain, headaches, and much more.    But chiropractic can help with more than just spinal complaints.   Dr Danny is skilled in chiropractic extremity adjusting.   What does that mean?   The extremities, or joints other than those in the spine, can become restricted and misaligned just like the spine can.   Joints such as the jaw (TMJ), shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knees and ankles can all be painful or stiff/stuck due to being improperly aligned.   Dr Danny is able to assess these extremities and determine if they need to be adjusted.    If warranted those joints can be adjusted to restore normal mobility and eliminate pain.   To compliment the extremity adjustment we offer other therapies such as soft tissue manipulation,

Backpack Fit Tips

BACKPACK FIT TIPS FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL! It’s that time of the year again….summer is winding down and soon your little (and big) ones will be going back to school.    This means that soon kids will be trudging through the hallways with their backpacks loaded with books, electronics, and whatever else kids put in their backpacks these days.   Unfortunately we’ve noticed a trend lately that is quite alarming…more children coming to Hamm Chiropractic with back pain.   Sometimes the causes are obvious; sports injuries, a recent fall, poor posture- but other times we have to dig further in to the cause of the pain.   Often times there will be a heavy, over-loaded backpack that is a likely culprit.   The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission shared the finding that in 2014 alone, 3,203 school-age children went to the emergency room due to backpack-related injuries. Preliminary reports from France show a direct relationship between the length of time children wear backpacks to the length

Belly breathing to decrease stress, heal and function better.

Add caption Are you  breathing  the wrong way?   How often do you think about breathing?  If you're like most of the public the answer to that is either very little or never.   Unfortunately , most of the public is also breathing incorrectly.     Watch a baby breath, notice how their belly raises and lowers with each breathe.  This happens because  baby's  will naturally use their belly and diaphragm to breathe.  What happens as we get older? Bad habits-  often a lot of them.  Poor posture and vanity tend to cause us to breath with our chests instead of our  bellys .  This can lead to rapid, shallow breaths that are not as effective as bringing oxygen to our tissues.     The good news?  With time and  repetition,  you can train yourself to breath appropriately!   Obviously,  the reason we breath is to stay alive.  Breathing allows us to bring in life-giving oxygen and let off spent carbon dioxide. When you slow down your breathing and  breathe  deeply thro

Kinesio Tape and How it Works!

If  you've watched  any type of  sporting event lately the odds are you've  seen  athletes  wearing brightly colored tape on their shoulders, knees, ankles, and any other region that could be injured.  What is this miracle tape?   Kinesio -tape.   Why are you seeing it every time you turn on a  tv  sporting event, or attending a local 5k, or even just walking through the grocery store?  Because it works!   Here’s some history: Kinesiology taping was designed way back in 1979 by a chiropractor and acupuncturist by the name of  Kenzo   Kase . He believed that flexible tape would help to stimulate circulation to an injured area, therefore decreasing the time it takes for the injury to heal.  Since  it’s  introduction in the 70’s  kinesio  tape has developed in to a cost effective, non-invasive way to treat soft tissue and joint injuries and improve athletic performance.    How does it work?   Kinesio -tape works in a few  different ways;   It actually helps to